Execution context in JavaScript  ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Execution context in JavaScript ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


3 min read

Execution context is the most important thing to understand in javascript. after you understand this then understand Hoisting, Temporal dead zone, Functions, Scoops, etc is just a piece of cake.

When javascript executes any code then a Global execution context is created and under Global execution context code executed in Two Phases

  1. Memory allocation Phase
  2. Code Execution Phase

Example Code

1   let a = 10;
2   function SquearOf(num){
3    return a*a
4   }
6   let result = SquearOf(a)
7   console.log(result)

1. Memory allocation Phase

In this phase, javascript assigns memory in key-value pair. In the case of variable The key is variable name and value is **undefined**, and In the case of functions key isfunction name and value is the **whole codeBase under the function query brackets.**

From the code example, the memory allocation phase looks like this

Memory Allowcation (1).png

2. Code Execution Phase

In this phase, code executes line by line. In the upper code example, the code executes like this

  • Assign 10 to variable a ( line 1 )
  • For now, javascript has nothing to do with the function part, so javascript skips that part ( skips lines 2, 3, and 4 )
  • In line no 6 javascript call SquearOf and assign the value in variable result ( line 6 )
  • And at last, it console log the result


In the 6th line when javascript calling function SquearOf() There another execution context is created.

Under this function execution context code run in two phases -> 1) memory allocation , and 2) code execution

And now The Global context looks like this

Memory Allowcation (2).png

After all the function code is executed, then that function execution context removed


Still now whatever is happening - global execution context created, under global execution context code executed in two phases, memory allocation phase, code execution phase, this all happened in CallStack

You can imagine CallStack like this

Memory Allowcation (1).png

When any javascript code run then a global execution context is created in CallStack and when we invoke or call any function then in callstack another function execution context created

after javascript finishes or executed all code under that function, then from callstack that function execution context got removed

In This example you can see, how execution happened in CallStack -->

Example Code

1   let a = 10;
2   function SquearOf(num){
3    return a*a
4   }
6   let result = SquearOf(a)
7   console.log(result)


When code starts executed then a global execution context is created and then when a function call happened then a function execution context created

After the function done executed then it is removed from callStack and after all the code is executed the global execution context is removed from callstack.

Thank you for reading. I hope it will help you in your javascript journey ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

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